All of the photographs on Forlorn Photography were taken by The Comtesse DeSpair during her many excursions to desolate places with camera in hand. Her weapons of choice are her Holga, Kodak Tri-X film, and withering sarcasm.
Sullen, withdrawn, ill, and prone to melancholia, The Comtesse loves inclement weather and despises sunny days. She thinks everything looks better with snow covering it. She also thinks most things look better in black and white.
The Comtesse has a serious problem with “progress”. She thinks all new buildings should be torn down and replaced with old ones. She would like to take a ball and chain to demolition companies. She thinks most modern architects should be drawn and quartered. She blames lawyers and money-hungry developers for the destruction of beauty in this world, and she would like to start a huge bonfire using them as fuel.
Whenever something from the past is deemed obsolete and ceases production, The Comtesse holds a funeral in its memory and curses the uncharismatic minions who brought on its demise. The decline of film production, as pictures are replaced by pixels, causes her no end of dismay.
The Comtesse thinks this world should be ashamed of itself.
You can’t argue with that!
*contented sigh* It seems we are so few. Thank goodness the internet allows us to find one another.
Enthralling photos. Particularly fond of the Wabash Alloys series, most notably “Do Not Watch the Arc” for its double whammy pokes at the eyes and mind. Delicious, that.
Just found Decidedly Grim (well, Asylum Eclectica first) this afternoon. Looking forward to catching up on the archives.
Thank you for the enjoyment I’m about to receive…
*settles in for a long read*
Thank you for your kind words! After a dreary day, they please me greatly. 🙂
Would you be interested in taking pictures of 3737 S Ashland again? The other buildings next to the “Ice Fire” building are abandoned but I know the owner and it would be interesting to photograph.
Yes, I’d love to take photographs of that building, if you can arrange it. E-mail me at Thanks!